– Stories: Daily story recordings will not count towards your Snapstreak, even if your friend watches the story. Snaps must be sent on an individual basis. – Group chats: Snapchat will not include snaps set to a group chat towards your Snapstreak. – Chatting: Text-based chat between you and your Snapstreak partner will not count towards your streak. The following five types of interactions will not count towards your Snapstreak:
If you wish to continue, send a snap to your friend or get them to send one to you. One to keep an eye out for is the hourglass emoji, indicating that your Snapstreak is about to expire. You will continue to see different emojis throughout your Snapstreak. If you’re new to Snapchat or want to learn more about Snapstreaks, keep reading.
You can support your case for recovery in the What information should we know section of the form. If you saw the hourglass emoji before your streak ended, Snapchat might not be able to help.
Fill in the form, including as many details as possible. Beneath the How can we help section, choose My Snapstreaks have disappeared. However, you can strengthen your case to recover it in the What information should we know section of the form. If the hourglass emoji was displayed before your streak ended, it’s likely Snapchat won’t be able to help. Fill in the form include as much information as possible. From the What if my Snapstreak has gone? option, choose Let us know. Towards the bottom, go to the Supports section. Open Snapchat and sign in to your account. This will only work if you had registered that number with that account. If you have forgotten your Snapchat username or email address, there’s only one other possible way to get access to your account, and that’s with the use of your phone number. With them, you’d get back your Snapchat password. If you want to recover your Snapchat account password, just follow these straightforward steps. Snapchat will send you an email with a link to reset your account password. Enter the email and click on the Submit button. Alternatively, if you choose the “ Via Email” option, you will be asked to enter the email associated with your account. Once you receive the OTP on your registered phone number, enter the code and proceed to reset your password. Next, the app will prompt you to choose between the call or message option to receive your OTP.
If you opt for the “ Via Phone” option, you will be prompted to enter your phone number. A prompt will appear asking you to choose whether you want to recover your Snapchat account using your phone or email.